Toolmaking: Project management

Project management at AWM means - full service engineering

The basis for our design is for­med by the func­tio­nal spe­ci­fi­ca­tions do­cu­ment pro­vi­ded by the cus­to­mer. Our design tasks are im­ple­men­ted using CATIA V5 and VISICad as CAD sys­tems. We con­sis­tent­ly per­form article analy­ses and offer op­ti­mi­za­tion pro­po­sals for the mol­ded ar­tic­les to en­sure the high qua­lity of our design so­lu­tions. Fil­ling and de­for­ma­tion analyses en­sure re­duc­ed op­ti­mi­za­tion times.


Our experts realize com­plex 3D part geo­me­tries in the most eco­no­mic manner using our modern 5-axis HSC mil­ling equip­ment. Effi­cient ma­nu­fac­tur­ing tech­no­lo­gy is also avail­able in the areas of wire and die-sinking EDM, tur­ning and grind­ing. Thanks to a Laser­CUSING® sys­tem, we are able to offer close-con­tour cool­ing to our cus­to­mers.


Icon Werkzeugbau Projektmanagement

Sales / project management

Project management analyzes the product design together with the customer and optimizes it.


Icon Werkzeugbau Konstruktion


The mold concept is created in the team and coordinated with the customer. The design of the mold concept and the analysis of the mold design for control and optimization are carried out on state-of-the-art CAD workstations.


Icon Werkzeugbau Arbeitsvorbereitung

Work preparation

Our work planners determine the production strategy, create production plans and check compliance with deadlines.


Icon Werkzeugbau Fertigung


Trained employees and state-of-the-art CNC machines enable high-precision and cost-effective production.


Icon Werkzeugbau Montage

Assembly/tool optimization

Our toolmakers put on the finishing touches by assembling the production parts, checking the adaptability, final tuning and optimization on the spotting press.


Icon Werkzeugbau Qualitätssicherung

Quality assurance

A state-of-the-art measuring laboratory ensures the quality of our work, for example by preparing initial sample inspection reports.
